Things You Must Know About Life

Things You Must Know About Life

In our life we have many things to learn and to know,is important the things that you have known and that you have learnt can make you better.It can help you understanding the nature of things.Some issue,which make you without thinking about its multidimensional.Here is some things you must know in the life:

1. The Life is not easy

Of course! The life if it easy,it become boring and sadness,why ? Just like a game, if you can play that game easy you will feel bored in that game and you don't want to play that game again,try it!.The life is hard to make human be stronger and make human want to fight with the difficulties,it not boring,it as motivation to help you want to make your life is better. 

2. The Life is unfair

Don't be surprised! You is a poor man and that man is rich man,she is very smart and you not as smart as her,...Yep! it tell us the life is not fair and you should get used to it! Don't ask me why,but ask yourself about it.The life is unfair because it creating a balance of life,you can do that things and he/she can't do that or opposite so that we have teacher and student,doctor and patient,genius and normal human...All created by unfairness.

3. Everything in life has its price

You want to buy a book so you must paid it,even you love your girl you must paid the price for that,why? You love her so you can't love another girl or not you will be considered is cheater.You want to do,want to buy,want to make or something else then you must consider carefully what you are about to do and will do or not you must paid what did you do.

4. Life is full of give and take

That is our life,we must give and we will take what we have given.Please behave well and being kind with everyone and you will take it from everybody,or even you give someone something bad so you'll get it too! Don't just give or just take,you should let's it together companion.

5. Life is education

You are living and working that is your are learning,what you are learning? You are learning experience of life,even you old or young you smart or you fool you must learn any experience of life because you not perfect,you have several shortcomings in life you must offset it.

6. Life is not perfect

Life is not perfect and everything is this world is not perfect or even it's perfect it was not so long.Don't try to make your life perfect but try to enjoy everything you have.

7. Life is have success and failure

Any issue have two sides of it,don't consider a face of problem think difference,you have not succeeded yet in which you want to do don't give up and don't afraid you can do it soon.Some geniuses were failed in the past but them try harder to complete what they want to do and they succeed.Fail it not mean you can't do it,fail that mean you will start it again without mistake you has met and fail that is long process to successful

8. Life is a novel

Your life like a novel and you is a writer to write your story.Everything,sad,fun,love,like,happiness,... will be made by you and of course! i think you will write a beautiful story.


Hello,my name is ATem,i'm a elite hacker,i like code,play game,read novel ,write blog.I'm working as freelancer and run my team to study in technology,cyber field.I also would like to research about the science and the mystery

๖ۣۜThe ๖ۣۜPhantoms-M1

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