Five Strangest Books

You may is the type who enjoys reading,i also like to read the books especially occult books, horror and detective novel.But here, i will to show you the 5 strangest books which can give you supernatural power,intelligent or an infinite understanding or even some book can bring you death if you try to read it.

1.Book of soyga

In the 16th century a mysterious book about magic called book of soyga was found by John Dee,a mathematician and occultist after the book was found it was again lost for hundreds of years.Finally,a scholar found the book when he was browsing through the British library.Inside the book which only two copies were supposed exits,this book have different magical spells,way to summon demons and the normal super-creepy staff.The contents of the book was supposed relate a land which was had very very long time ago.Anyway,even before the creation of Adam and Eve and is said to contain the secrets of life in the universe bestowing upon the reader the ultimate wisdom.But the pages of the book were set to only the accurately interpreted by the Archangel Michael,even you can read the secrets of this book you,there is price.You will die within two and half years.

2.Ars Notoria

This ancient text can be traced as far as the 12th century and unlikely other books that focuses on spells or communication with angels or summon demons,this book is said to bestow upon its readers academic power such as wisdom and prefect memory.This book is part of a larger collection of books called Lesser Keys of Solomon which is a text for spells and demon summoning methods but Ars Notoria only focuses on prayers help you get mental powers.


If you had played game dota2,you would have known the item Necronomicon that item can summon 2 units helpful for push and combat.But do you know many people believed that book really exits.Necronomicon was rewrote by poet Abdul Alhazred,not only a poet but he also a explorer and master of translation.Inside this book,he wrote many impossible stories about our world.Necronomicon mentions the ancient monsters which have spells and powers,it also mentions ancient magics and supernatural powers can't be controlled by human.Result of people who want to find and read this book is very bad.Or even,the author of this book also disappear after this book wrote in circa 738 AD.

4.Pseudomonarchia Daemonum

This grimoire was written in 16th century by a famous physician/demonologist,Johann Weyer.Anyway,this thing is a basically a book listing out all 69 highest-ranking demons.But not only doesn't list them out,this book also documents their abilities and how to conjure them.

5.The sworn book of honorius: liber iuratus honorii

This book credit during middle ages is said to be written by a mythical person known as Honorius of Thebes.Like many others book,this book teaches the practitioner how to gain knowledge and wide array of powers through the culturing of angels,demons and spirits,some of these powers include manifesting floods,causing plagues and seeing into the afterlife in the future.According to the book,only three copies of it can ever be made.


Hello,my name is ATem,i'm a elite hacker,i like code,play game,read novel ,write blog.I'm working as freelancer and run my team to study in technology,cyber field.I also would like to research about the science and the mystery

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