The Most Powerful Demons of Hell

Demons are fallen angels,they were warrior and friend of God,but by pride they betray and against God.Have some angels were become a leader of fallen angels to against God,they open war on the heaven then was defeated by archangel Michael and his angels.After the war they be locked up in hell and become powerful demon of Hell.


Meet Lucifer, also known as Satan. Leader of hell and of all demons.  
Lucifer was a very, very pretty man, but his ambitions to overthrow
God ultimately led to his demise.  Lucifer and his followers were 
banished to hell,but not to be disheartened, he heartily replied, "Better
to reign in hell than to serve in heaven."


Quite literally the "Lord of the Flies." 
That doesn't sound like a very pleasant 
title, but Beelzebub wears it well.  He 
serves as Lucifer's right hand man and 
most trusted council.  Aided Lucifer in 
convincing the other demons that 
poisoning the newly created earth was 
a fantastic idea.


Leviathan, uncommonly not known by any other name, is said to be Satan himself, though argument exists.  Typically represented as an enormous sea monster or serpent, it is believed that Leviathan was the serpent to have corrupted Adam and Eve.  He stands next to Beelzebub and the famed Lucifer, and rules Hell as one third the almighty triad of Kings.


Holds the distinction of being the most mysterious extrahuman character in Jewish sacred literature, his presence has been felt throughout the ages, but little is known about his origin or even his affiliation.  He is a peddler of influence and knowledge, and popular culture has exploited his reputation and possibly given rise to his recent popularity.


Also Abaddan, Apollyon, Appolyon and Appolion (Greek).
Abaddon — literally meaning destruction, ruin or perdition — is the Hebrew name of the demon identified as the 'angel' of the bottomless pit, or the abyss, in Revelation, 9:11, who ties up the Devil for a millennium. Also known as 'The Destroyer', from his role as one of the destroying angels of the Apocalypse. In Job 26:6, and Proverbs 15:11, the word Abaddon arises in conjunction with Sheol. He is further identified as the Devil himself in the 3rd century Acts of Thomas, as well as in John Bunyan's Puritan classic, Pilgrim's Progress.


Legend has it that Lilith was Adam's first wife, created together with him on the Sixth Day and from the same materials. Some say Lilith was created a little later, after Adam complained to God that he alone of the creatures of the earth had no partner. Either way, Lilith was created independently from and equal to Adam, and this led to problems.


Hello,my name is ATem,i'm a elite hacker,i like code,play game,read novel ,write blog.I'm working as freelancer and run my team to study in technology,cyber field.I also would like to research about the science and the mystery

๖ۣۜThe ๖ۣۜPhantoms-M1

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